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Application Materials

  • Terms of Membership
  • CARE-Q Membership Application
  • Form A (written procedures self-assessment)

Policies & Procedures Reference Documents & Guidance

Engagement Webinars

An important benefit to CARE-Q certification is the ongoing engagement among members.  Browse through the videos below to review previous webinar sessions.

 Why Do Expedited Reviews Take So Long?  And What Can We Do To Fix That? | 3 June 2024

View the slides for this presentation by Christopher Ryan, PhD

Effective IRB Review of AI Human Subjects Research | 5 February 2024

View the slides for this presentation by Tamiko Eto, MS, CIP

IRB Office Innovations and Flexibilities | 20 September 2023


Non-English Speaking Research Subjects | 3 May 2023

Humanitarian Use Devices/Expanded Access | 20 Apr 2022

Gender in Informed Consent Forms | 10 Nov 2021



Resources Library